We filmed our thriller on the Wednesday 26th January. Starting with the set, we placed our objects around the studio, in a sort of messy fashion, representing a backstage area which had been quickly ‘thrown’ together. The brick wall and flight cases added to the effect of the storage room. having decided to use a tracking shot, we set the tracks so they rotated around the set and stopped in front of the stage exit, where our rock star Simon would appear from. We used the clothes rail as a sort of entry for the camera to go through, adding to the idea that know one knows of the camera’s existence backstage.
Our actors were set out in various places around stage. We had the tech people, the fans and fashion people to sort out the rock star’s clothes. The constant movement of the tracking shot with the backstage people rushing past enhanced the effect of business. When we focus on the fans, the camera is still representing how they do not really fit into whats happening around them. They look awkward, as they drink their alcohol and try and make conversation with the busy people around them. This is all intended as it is well know that fans aren’t really welcome backstage as they get in the way. As the camera now follows the reporter back to the front of stage, we notice that she could be a main character in the film and we find ourselves better acquainted with her rather than anyone else in the scene. Even the rock star, as he comes out is quickly off camera and so we are hardly acquainted with him at all. As he pushes past we are meet with the reporter once more as she is forced to sit down by a body guard. We feel for her as the rude and egotistical rock star has just ignored her, so again, our relationship with this character is growing. As the shot goes off, the final character we see is the reporter and she is the only reaction we see as the camera is based at chest height for the other characters. Now, as the film would start, we would remember the reporter and our relationship with her. As we didn’t focus on many other character’s faces in the opening sequence, there would be no confusion as to who the main character is.

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