Friday, 27 January 2012


1. Do you beleive that our ancillary texts support our video in promoting Affie?

Sarah : 'yes definatly, its quite interesting because it seems as if Affie is aiming for more than a 'top spot' in the grime scene. he could branch out more, perhaps into the mainstream'

George : 'Affie seems like a character that will influence a younger generation to dress like him. helped by the ancillary texts, promoting his style as 'cool'.'

Patch : 'Affie's poster and Digipak show his 'street' appeal, making his audience quite obvious'

Will : ' I was not too sure about the girl in the video. Affie is promoted well with the ancillary texts aswell, but the girl seems to take a back seat. Is she an actress or part of the band?'

2. Who do you think the target audience would be from viewing all of the media products of Affie?

Sarah : 'Inner city middle class'

George : 'working class and teenagers'

Patch : 'rebels'

Will : from the JINCARS, section D or C1.

3. Does Affie fit well in the 21st centuary?

Sarah : 'if anything he is pushing the 21st centuary forward'

George : 'Definatly. the blinder lights continued in the Digipak is a new technology'

Patch : 'His clothing throughout the products suggest he is part of the modern fashions so yes'

Will : Affie being part of the 'Grime' scene is definatly a part of the 21st centuary.

4. Is Affie's digipak appealing?

Sarah : 'It would certainly appeal to teens who listened to Grime music.'

George : 'The whole prison line up idea works well. fans of Grime like to think that they are bad members of society'.

Patch : 'He seems quite mysterious in his digipak, which could have an effect on young woman with the black and white feel'.

Will : 'The shot with his converse shows his street credit, which would appeal to the working class i think'

5. Do you believe it is quite a male oriantated set of products?

Sarah : Yes it is, but girls could find that quite attractive! so the appeal could spread

George : 'The lyrics are very male oriantated with the cursing, the poster could also catch the eye of a guy that like's how Affie dresses'

Patch : 'Yes its definatly male oriantated. I cant really see how girls come into this genre'.

Will : 'the darkness of the Digipak would certainly appeal to boys. hes quite a scary character so boys would assume hes aggressive.

6. What is the relationship between Affie and his Audience?

Sarah : 'People may be quite shocked by his manner, but that could equil a shock factor which would make him popular.'

Patch : ' He would definatly set a clothes trend'

George : ' His clothes trend could spark a cult following. it could be seen as 'cool' to own an Affie T-shirt.'

Will : ' People from the working class may see him as inspirational to people like them.'

7. Does the Poster intice you to find out more about Affie the artist?

Sarah : 'There is a good range of media technologies which many can access. The blackberry one is a great idea as people can access information about Affie on the move'.

Patch : 'Because of the mysterious Digipak and video, i think people would be really exited to see some information on Affie that they can access'.

George : Its good how you have conformed to the 21st centuary techniques of finding out about things

Will : ' The gig date would be a huge hit, because of his mysteriousness, i beleive that people would really appreciate seeing him live'.

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